Tuesday, December 16, 2003

The gorgeous, flowing locks of Ruddy Ruddy

Evidence continues to mount that Ruddy Ruddy is either a girl or a raging metrosexual. Today, I've received some free samples of Dove Hair Care with Weightless Moisturizers. (If you want to take a truly interminable test, may I suggest giving the interactive hair healthometer a whirl?) If I were a girl, I might be digging this Ruddy Ruddy thing even more than I already do, since I'm getting some pretty useful feminine product samples. Alas, they're of limited use to a manly man such as I. Hey Makita Tools! How about sending Ruddy Ruddy a sample of this wicked demolition hammer? Imagine the havoc I could cause by driving home 1,450 blows per minute!

Speaking of construction/demolition work, I did a Google search on "Ruddy Inc." and found out that there was a Bart J. Ruddy, Inc., who was a contractor-builder in Utica, NY back in 1938. and there's a Ruddy's Inc. in Visalia, CA, who's a dealer in kitchen products. Finally, there's an architectural and design firm in New York City called Cetra/Ruddy Inc., which is headed up by one Nancy Ruddy. Note that this firm is important enough to be written up in Inc. magazine, who'll you'll remember as the potential trademark owner of "Inc."


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