Thursday, July 29, 2004

Enchantress update: second invoice found (and ignored, naturally)

As I said below:
... no second invoice could be found, although one would guess that it must have been mailed out around June 13 or 14.

It was June 15, actually; I finally found that second letter from Enchantress Hosiery of Canada, which turned up in a pile of my regular mail across the room from the trove of Ruddiness. (That is, the letter turned up in the mail pile -- not Enchantress Hosiery itself.) It says, tersely:
Dear Miss Ruddy,

A month ago we reminded you that you owed us $24.64 for your introductory shipment.

We have still not received your payment. Please pay your account now.

So it didn't take them long to start getting a little nasty. I'm tempted to take the self-addressed envelope that Enchantress included with the hopes that it might be sent back containing a cheque, and send it back containing a slip of paper with the words FUCK OFF written in big block letters.

But Miss Ruddy Ruddy wouldn't do that. She's a lady.


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